Part of the 202020 Velomobile Challenge

When borders closed because of the corona pandemic, I had to interrupt my cykling through Europe and leave my velomobile in Poland during the summer. At home I organised the Bohus Velomobile Tour visited by ten velonauts. I returned to Kraków in Poland mid August. This is a picture diary of the trip from Poland to Croatia.
15 August 2020
This day Poland was celebrating a special historical day. I was invited to participate in the celebration at the alpaca farm visitors centre where a special polish dish called prazone was cooked on open fire. The playground that I had been helping to build was not yet finished, but I had decided to start cycling the following morning towards the Czech Republic.

16 August 2020
Om my way to the border I passed a very depressing place, the Auschwitz concentration camp. After showing my respect to the victims I crossed the border to the Czech Republic.

17 August 2020
When on the way I realized that the recumbent bike factory Azub wasn’t very far from my route. What I hadn’t checked was how much of a climb I would have to do for the detour. I reached the Azub factory after climbing two mountain ranges.

20 August 2020
After leaving the camping, a rod connecting the rear axle of the velomobile, bent. I had to return and make some repairs. I left late in the afternoon and crossed the border into Slovakia.

21 August 2020
This day I crossed two borders, Hungary and Austria.

22 August 2020
Crossing the border between Austria and Hungary several times.

24 August 2020
Hungary- Slovenia- Croatia

25 August 2020
Climbing the Dinaric Alps.

26 August 2020
Arriving at the Adriatic sea.
On this day I had one of my most exciting 100 km ride. From humid green fields and forests to arid coastline. A 1437 m climb to over 900 metres above sea level and then a steep narrow road down to the sea. I had to stop several times to cool the brakes so they would not overheat.

I reached the island Krk in Croatia the evening 26th and it was time to rest for a day.
The question is if I will be able to travel through the countries that I planned to visit. You can see my preliminary route on the site. There are rumours about borders closing again and quarantine restrictions imposed. How it goes will I tell you in my next 202020 Velomobile Challenge report.
WOW and WOW again. What an awesome ride and beautiful photos. Like especially the one with the train, almost like a velomobil train.
Thank you Rolf!
Getting this kind of comments makes me keeping posting entries.
Best regards
Que hermosooooo! La verdad buenísimo!! Manda uno para Argentina que lo pruebooo jajaja q lindo me encantó!!
Alve, as always your photos are great, it has given me such pleasure to see your latest your when my own plans to tour this year have had to be postponed. Thank you and stay safe! John.
Thank you John
I hope you’ll have a nice trip soon!