How far north can I get with a velomobile in the Nordic winter?

I might be crazy to take a velomobile during the winter to the far north of Scandinavia, but I just like to test the limits. Why? Why not? I have been in warm climates a lot during the last years. Now it is time to go back to the cold areas for some months. When doing so, why not go all the way and make life a little bit difficult. We only live once 😏.
When I was young, I spent some time in cold mountains alone in the winters. I did go skiing in the far north where I didn’t meet people for weeks. The darkness and the northern lights are difficult to describe, they must be experienced to understand them. Before, I was able to go for weeks with a large and heavy backpack. Now I can’t, my knees have given up. But I can ride bicycles and the best bicycles for traveling are velomobiles. If there isn’t a lot of snow on the road …
So, the question is, how far north will I get with my velomobile?
My dream is to get all the way to Nordkap. I have no clue if I will be able to get there, but I will try.

I will start in next week and this is the planned route:
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