Lost in the labyrinth
When arriving to Split in Croatia during my velomobile tour through Europe, it was time to start using the camera that had mostly been stored in its case. I let myself get lost in the old towns labyrinth and bit by bit got used to finding the sweet spots of the camera. Since I hadn’t been using it for some time, I had almost forgotten how to play with it. That’s what happens when taking too many photos with the mobile phone.
The photos I upload now have no special order or topic, they just come as they are, almost unedited since I don’t have a computer with me. So, nothing special, just sharing my last two days (plus the one it takes to sort and upload). If images are too dark or too bright, please blame my phone where I’ve done the editing. 🥴
I hope you did like at least some of the photos.
Great pics.
Particularly those with people
Keep up the good work!!
Thanks Jan!
The most difficult photos to take are those with people. It often involves some talking to make sure people are comfortable with being photographed. But most of the time, this photos are the most rewarding.
Väldigt fina bilder Alve. Jag noterar att de flesta bilderna är svart-vita.
Jo, jag föredrar svartvita bilder om inte färgen som sådan bidrar med något extra, färgen ska ha en funktion i bilden. De svartvita bilderna koncentrerar budskapet tycker jag. Men i till exempel bilden med gula automaten, där samspelar kvinnans gula klänning, så att säga
I like your photographs very much so. You do a great job. The advantage of travelling alone with time for rest days is, that you can stroll around and take pictures. Love to do that again…
Keep on.
Thanks Brigitte!
Yes, it is nice to be owner of my own time, it’s a luxury
My problem is to be inspired. I don’t know why, but in some places I can’t take photos (Dubrovnik for example) and in other places I can’t stop (Split). Strange maybe.